Found 18 results

Install Python from Source

Python is one of the most used programming language and in this tutorial we will show you how to install Python from source on a CentOS 7 operating system. We can safely say that Python, conceived in the late 1980s by Guido van Rossum, comes these days preinstalled on most Linux distributions. If it is not there by default then we can always install it, for example on CentOS we can get Python using yum utility but as we know that will not be the latest Python version available. We may have a new project that requires to be built […]

Category: General | Published: 09/04/2019 | Updated: 28/05/2019

Setup a Private Docker Registry

Setting up a private Docker registry locally for our organisation or maybe for personal use can be seen as a must if we don’t want to expose publicly our custom Docker images. It is true that we can easily get a private repository if we would go for a paid subscription to one of the providers available out there on the market that are offering such services, but why doing so when we can simply do it by ourselves, internally, completely isolated and being under our control. Having a private Docker repository / registry will give us the ability to […]

Category: Docker | Published: 20/12/2019 | Updated: 31/12/2019

Change Kubernetes Pods CIDR

Changing Kubernetes Pods CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) is our next tutorial where we will learn in just a few easy steps how to change the network mask / range for our Kubernetes environment. Kubernetes is considered one of the most mature and stable platform for Docker orchestration – at the time of writing this tutorial -, being used in production environments by many big names from the tech industry. Mastering Kubernetes is not an easy task, it really takes time and require a lot of practice, it is well known of having a not so easy learning curve. Here, in […]

Category: Kubernetes | Published: 19/12/2019 | Updated: 22/12/2019

Create custom Docker image

Create custom Docker image is our next short tutorial where we will be showing you in just a few easy steps the basics of how to create a simple custom Docker image from the scratch, how to build it and also how to push this image to your own Docker repository. If you are a beginner then this is the right tutorial where you will learn one of the basic tasks when working with Docker, build your own custom images for your own web applications or websites. Table of contents Context Create Dockerfile Custom Docker image content Build custom Docker […]

Category: Docker | Published: 11/12/2019 | Updated: 15/12/2019

AWS Switch Role Setup

AWS Switch Role Setup is our next tutorial where we will explain how to setup IAM Policies and IAM Roles in order to switch between multiple AWS accounts without using various credentials for each individual account. Setting up Role Switching within AWS may seem difficult or maybe confusing but in reality this is quite simple and easy to implement. Such a solution will definitely ease your user management tasks and in the same time will give you the flexibility to manage users access in a more granular fashion. For this specific tutorial, which will be a very short one, we […]

Category: AWS | Published: 15/10/2019 | Updated: 15/10/2019

Setup AlibabaCloud OSS on Windows VM

Setting up AlibabaCloud OSS on Windows VM (ECS) is our next tutorial where we will demonstrate how easy is to setup AlibabaCloud Object Storage Service on a Windows VM or Elastic Compute Service (ECS) how is the product called. AlibabaCloud may not be so popular outside China borders but we can say that is quite a major player on the cloud market, their offering is as good as Amazon AWS, Google Cloud Platform or Microsoft Azure but the only thing that makes AlibabaCloud appealing is the fact that currently is the only company that provides a full range of cloud […]

Category: AlibabaCloud | Published: 09/09/2019 | Updated: 24/09/2019