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How to create partitions larger than 2TB in Linux

It’s well known that is impossible to create partitions larger than 2TB in Linux using the default utility fdisk that comes with most of Linux distros, at least for now. In this short tutorial we’ll learn how to create larger than 2TB partitions using parted utility instead of fdisk on CentOS Linux. Assuming that we have to add three new disks to a new fictive server called mydbhost that will be used for a MySQL service for example, being master, slave, standalone it doesn’t matter, all that we care is the partitioning bit. Installing parted utility We can start our […]

Category: General | Published: 04/06/2018 | Updated: 05/11/2018

Generate SSH Key – Linux, Mac and Windows

In this quick tutorial, Generate SSH Key, we will learn more exactly how to generate a SSH Key in Linux or Mac using a terminal window and also in Windows using Putty. Before we start our little journey we should be clear about one thing, all SSH Keys consists of two parts, a Private Key and a Public Key. In this article we’ll generate both these keys and we’ll learn the importance but also the difference between these two. What is a Pivate Key As we said in our introduction a SSH Key contains a Private Key and a Public […]

Category: Security | Published: 09/02/2018 | Updated: 05/11/2018