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AWS Elastic Beanstalk Environment Scheduling

In this short tutorial we will learn about AWS Elastic Beanstalk Environment Scheduling using a simple Shell Script that can be used as part of a possible large automation project where for example you want to save some money on your bill by turning off and on let’s say specific environments that are not used between specific hours during weekdays or weekends for environments like Development, Staging or QA. This solution can be easily used for example being as a Cronjob on one of your management / admin servers or maybe simply as a Jenkins scheduled job, also can be […]

Category: AWS | Published: 18/04/2019 | Updated: 14/05/2019

Kubernetes Cluster setup on CentOS

Kubernetes Cluster setup on CentOS isn’t that difficult anymore as it used to be in the past where we had to perform some major OS changes in order to build a proper environment. In this short tutorial we will guide you step by step how to actually set up a simple Kubernetes Cluster based on CentOS 7.5 and Kubernetes 1.12.1. Exactly like any other cluster a Kubernetes Cluster must always have an odd number of nodes like 3, 5, 7 and so on but in this particular tutorial we will resume to use only 3 nodes, one master node and […]

Category: Docker | Published: 23/10/2018 | Updated: 02/10/2019

How to install Elasticsearch 2.4 and OpenResty on CentOS 7

In this tutorial we’ll explain how to install and configure a three node Elasticsearch 2.4 cluster on CentOS 7. Also, we’ll learn how to install OpenResty that will provide a layer of security for our Elasticsearch cluster, Elasticsearch-HQ that will give us some nice metrics, Kopf plugin and of course Kibana. Why ES 2.4? Well it’s complicated but lets say we’ve choose 2.4 just because this particular version isn’t supported anymore by Elastic and some of you may be “forced” to use this version for a while until you redesign your software to comply with a newer version in terms […]

Category: Security | Published: 18/04/2018 | Updated: 05/11/2018