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Send email with Python and smtplib

Send email with Python and smtplib package is just another quick tutorial from Tufora where we will show you in just a few steps how easy is to use Python for sending emails from your applications. This solution uses no more than five lines of code and can be easily implemented within your Python application anytime being defined as a Python module using import statement or simply directly to your main application code. The code below has been tested using Python 3.7 but it can be easily adapted and used on older or newer versions as long the smtplib module […]

Category: Python | Published: 14/11/2018 | Updated: 22/07/2019

MySQL GTID Replication Error

MySQL GTID replication error can happen unexpectedly for various reasons and as often as the classic master slave, circular or multi-master replication but in this short tutorial we will learn, step by step, how to skip MySQL GTID transaction error in order to keep in sync our MySQL slave server. Before we begin we need to say that all below steps were tested in a master-slave setup using MySQL 5.6 and MySQL 5.7, we think that this MySQL skipping transaction method detailed below can be easily applied even for newer MySQL versions like 8+. Please note that all below operations […]

Category: MySQL | Published: 28/06/2018 | Updated: 05/11/2018

How to install Elasticsearch 2.4 and OpenResty on CentOS 7

In this tutorial we’ll explain how to install and configure a three node Elasticsearch 2.4 cluster on CentOS 7. Also, we’ll learn how to install OpenResty that will provide a layer of security for our Elasticsearch cluster, Elasticsearch-HQ that will give us some nice metrics, Kopf plugin and of course Kibana. Why ES 2.4? Well it’s complicated but lets say we’ve choose 2.4 just because this particular version isn’t supported anymore by Elastic and some of you may be “forced” to use this version for a while until you redesign your software to comply with a newer version in terms […]

Category: Security | Published: 18/04/2018 | Updated: 05/11/2018

How to generate CSR in Linux

In this example we will explain how to generateĀ CSR in Linux using shell prompt or terminal window. A CSR is mostly required when you want to secure for example a website or a connection between one or more services that requires a secure connection. Any SSL issuer will always ask you to generate and present a CSR. We’ve chose CentOS for this Certificate Signing Request example as our main operating system. Required packages First step is to make sure that we have openssl and openssl-devel packages installed and updated in order to generate our very first CSR. The package manager […]

Category: Security | Published: 24/01/2018 | Updated: 05/11/2018