Terminal Keyboard Shortcuts


Terminal keyboard shortcuts are very handy, no doubt about this, can save you a lot of time especially when your job is based on using on a daily basis the terminal window, being on your workstation or other remote terminals that you are interacting with. Mastering these terminal keys will clearly give you a huge advantage, as we said previously in terms of time and also productivity, on the same note we can also say that is a must to learn and use these shortcuts.

Terminal Keyboard Cheatsheet

Lets open now a terminal window and test all below keyboard shortcuts within our terminal window:

Keyboard shortcut
Short description

Ctrl + l
This will clear your terminal screen
Ctrl + b
Move cursor one character to the left from current position
Ctrl + f
Move cursor one character to the right from current position
Alt + b
Move cursor one word to the left from current position
Alt + f
Move cursor one word to the right from current position
Ctrl + a
Move cursor to start of the line no matter where this is located
Ctrl + e
Move cursor to end of the line
Ctrl + u
Cut everything from line start up to cursor current position
Ctrl + k
Cut everything from the cursor to end of the line
Alt + d
Cut the current word after the cursor
Ctrl + w
Cut the current word before the cursor
Ctrl + y
Paste the previous cut text
Alt + y
Paste the second latest cut text
Alt + Ctrl + y
Paste the first argument of the previous command
Alt +./_
Paste the last argument of the previous command
Ctrl + p
Move to the previous line
Ctrl + n
Move to the next line
Ctrl + s
Ctrl + r
Reverse search
Ctrl + j
End search
Ctrl + g
Abort search (restores original line)
Alt + r
Restores all changes made to line
Auto-complete a name
Alt + ?
List all possible completions
Alt + *
Insert all possible completions


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Terminal Keyboard Shortcuts

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