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AWS S3 Read-Write IAM Policy for specific User

In this AWS S3 Read-Write IAM Policy tutorial we will talk about how to create and manage AWS IAM Policies for specific AWS S3 Buckets, policies that can be easily applied to any user or user group within IAM having Read and Write permissions only. We all know that AWS S3 is a really great storage service but used in conjunction with IAM this can become a very powerful tool giving us the freedom and the also the ability to fine tune all necessary permissions in such a way to only allow specific user or user group to only read […]

Category: AWS | Published: 09/08/2019 | Updated: 12/08/2019

AWS S3 Read-Only IAM Policy for specific User

In this short tutorial called AWS S3 Read-Only IAM Policy for specific User or User Group we will be guiding you how to create and manage AWS IAM Policies for specific AWS S3 Buckets, these policies can be later applied to any IAM Users or IAM User Groups having just Read-Only permissions. AWS S3 is a great storage service but managed in conjunction with AWS IAM can become a very powerful tool giving us the freedom and the amazing ability to tweak all needed permissions in such a way to only allow specific users or user groups to only read […]

Category: AWS | Published: 23/07/2019 | Updated: 10/08/2019

Secure NGiNX with Let’s Encrypt SSL on CentOS 7

Just another tutorial from Tufora where we will be showing you how to secure NGiNX with Let’s Encrypt SSL on CentOS 7. As you are well aware NGiNX is a very powerful software that can be used for various applications and workloads being as HTTP server, reverse proxy, load balancer and nowadays even as router for containers, pretty good portfolio we would say. On this tutorial we will be focusing on securing a NGiNX deployment with a SSL certificate issued by Let’s Encrypt (letsencrypt) using certbot utility on a CentOS 7 server. Table of contents Package instalation Generate Diffie–Hellman Exchange […]

Category: Security | Published: 31/05/2019 | Updated: 19/07/2019

AWS Elastic Beanstalk Environment Scheduling

In this short tutorial we will learn about AWS Elastic Beanstalk Environment Scheduling using a simple Shell Script that can be used as part of a possible large automation project where for example you want to save some money on your bill by turning off and on let’s say specific environments that are not used between specific hours during weekdays or weekends for environments like Development, Staging or QA. This solution can be easily used for example being as a Cronjob on one of your management / admin servers or maybe simply as a Jenkins scheduled job, also can be […]

Category: AWS | Published: 18/04/2019 | Updated: 14/05/2019

Setup AWS CLI on CentOS 7

Setting up AWS CLI on CentOS 7 is quite straight forward, no need for advanced knowledge or a huge amount of time in order to install this. AWS CLI is a very powerful toolset that helps you to manage all your AWS resources by using the Command Line Interface API calls instead of the well known classic Web Console. AWS CLI can be used and implemented in various projects like Automation, Cost Control, Security Audit etc. giving you the power to manipulate and query all AWS resources in a more granular manner. In this very short tutorial we will guide […]

Category: General | Published: 09/04/2019 | Updated: 26/08/2019

NGiNX SSL Setup and 301 Redirects

NGiNX SSL setup and 301 redirects, this is how is called our next tutorial where we will explain in just a few easy steps how to setup a SSL certificate on NGiNX and also how to force client browser to use HTTPS by managing all necessary 301 redirects served from HTTP protocol on port 80 to HTTPS protocol on port 443. The journey from a non-secured domain to a secured one is quite easy to implement with NGiNX and also very easy to maintain and renew in the future. This solution was tested using a CentOS 7 server but it […]

Category: General | Published: 06/04/2019 | Updated: 02/06/2019