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Send email with Python and smtplib

Send email with Python and smtplib package is just another quick tutorial from Tufora where we will show you in just a few steps how easy is to use Python for sending emails from your applications. This solution uses no more than five lines of code and can be easily implemented within your Python application anytime being defined as a Python module using import statement or simply directly to your main application code. The code below has been tested using Python 3.7 but it can be easily adapted and used on older or newer versions as long the smtplib module […]

Category: Python | Published: 14/11/2018 | Updated: 22/07/2019

Yum fix duplicate error

Yum duplicate package error can occur anytime and most of the times when servers are under provisioned in terms of hardware capacity like RAM memory or even CPU. This can happen when a small server needs to perform multiple updates that requires more resources than usual making the update process almost impossible. Of course, failure is not an option and we will do our best to explain in this short tutorial how to fix yum duplicate errors by using yum-utils utility. So before we start our little journey fixing those yum errors we must say that this solution has been […]

Category: General | Published: | Updated: 14/11/2018

List users from multiple AWS accounts using Python

List users from multiple AWS accounts using Python is our next tutorial where we will learn how to access AWS APIs using Boto3 package and also how to use pprint package to list all results in a easy to read format, we heard about the term human readable too but we think is not the right way of saying it, at least not in this particular case. Please rest assured that we won’t talk or debate in this tutorial about what Cloud Hosting provider is the best or not and we will simply resume talking about how to get all […]

Category: Python | Published: 13/11/2018 | Updated: 14/11/2018

Kubernetes Cluster setup on CentOS

Kubernetes Cluster setup on CentOS isn’t that difficult anymore as it used to be in the past where we had to perform some major OS changes in order to build a proper environment. In this short tutorial we will guide you step by step how to actually set up a simple Kubernetes Cluster based on CentOS 7.5 and Kubernetes 1.12.1. Exactly like any other cluster a Kubernetes Cluster must always have an odd number of nodes like 3, 5, 7 and so on but in this particular tutorial we will resume to use only 3 nodes, one master node and […]

Category: Docker | Published: 23/10/2018 | Updated: 02/10/2019

Setup NFS Server and NFS Client on CentOS 7

In this tutorial we will learn how to set up NSF Server and NFS Client on CentOS 7 operating system, setting up or managing a NFS server or a NFS client is not quite a complex task at all, we’ll do our best to explain this entire process in the most simple possible way. We can use the set up from this tutorial for various small network sharing applications like setting up a backup server or maybe a simple file server etc., either way NFS package is always a good candidate to start with. Network File System (NFS) has been […]

Category: General | Published: 17/07/2018 | Updated: 26/08/2019

Create a Backup Server on Linux

How to create a backup server on Linux is just another quick and easy tutorial from that will guide you step by step to create in just a few minutes your own Linux backup server based on CentOS 7 operating system and also system storage manager (ssm) utility. Even if we are living in the age of Cloud technology with so many nice tools available out there like storage buckets, blob stores and many other trendy names some of us may still need to keep the data safe somewhere on premises. This could be due data sensitivity or maybe […]

Category: General | Published: 06/07/2018 | Updated: 05/11/2018